Error parsing template "Designs/SSTemplate/_parsed/subpage.parsed.cshtml"
Line 464: (463:9) - Encountered end tag "div" with no matching start tag.  Are your start/end tags properly balanced?

1 @using System.Web.Mvc; 2 @using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 3 @using System.Web; 4 @using System.IO; 5 @using System.Linq; 6 @using Dynamicweb; 7 @{ 8 string basecss = "/Files/Templates/Designs/SSTemplate/css/base.css"; 9 string ifolder = basecss.Substring(0, basecss.LastIndexOf("/")).ToString(); 10 string ifolderOnDisk = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(ifolder); 11 DirectoryInfo idirectoryInfo = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(ifolderOnDisk); 12 string idatefetch=@idirectoryInfo+"\\base.css"; 13 DateTime ilastmodified = File.GetLastWriteTime(@idatefetch); 14 basecss=@basecss+"?modified="+@ilastmodified.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"); 15 string stylecss = "/Files/Templates/Designs/SSTemplate/css/styles.css"; 16 string ufolder = stylecss.Substring(0, stylecss.LastIndexOf("/")).ToString(); 17 string ufolderOnDisk = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(ufolder); 18 DirectoryInfo udirectoryInfo = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(ufolderOnDisk); 19 string udatefetch=@udirectoryInfo+"\\styles.css"; 20 DateTime ulastmodified = File.GetLastWriteTime(@udatefetch); 21 stylecss=@stylecss+"?modified="+@ulastmodified.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"); 22 string breadactive=""; 23 }@if(GetBoolean("Item.ShowBradcrumbs") == true) { 24 breadactive="breadactive"; 25 }@{ 26 string logo=@GetString("Item.Area.Design.Logo"); 27 }<!DOCTYPE html> 28 <html lang="fo">@{ 29 string pageid=@GetString("DwPageID"); 30 string readspeak=@GetString("Item.Area.Funktionalitetir.BaseUr")+"?id="+pageid; 31 string pagenametit=@GetString("DwPageName"); 32 string pagearea=@GetString("DwPageID_1"); 33 pagearea="top"+pagearea; 34 ViewBag.BaseUrl = @GetString("Item.Area.Funktionalitetir.BaseUr"); 35 ViewBag.StoddStarvs = @GetString("Item.Page.StoddStarv"); 36 }<head> 37 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> 38 <meta charset="utf-8"> 39 40 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> 41 42 <meta name="author" content=""> 43 <meta property="og:url" content="@readspeak"> 44 <meta property="og:locale" content="fo_FO"> 45 <meta property="og:description" content="@GetString(" meta.description")"=""> 46 <meta property="og:type" content="website"> 47 <meta property="og:locale" content="fo_FO"> 48 <meta property="og:title" content="@pagenametit"> 49 <meta name="google-site-verification" content="_8UkOXR321xXc60VV1folaRbl3pukMQpv1ifNUwjZXU"> 50 @RenderSnippet("FBimg") 51 <link href=",300i,400,400i,600" rel="stylesheet"> 52 <link href=",400i,700,700i" rel="stylesheet"> 53 <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> --> 54 <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> 55 <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/ico" href="/Files/Templates/Designs/SSTemplate/img/favicon.ico"> 56 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/Files/Templates/Designs/SSTemplate/css/bootstrap.min.css"> 57 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/Files/Templates/Designs/SSTemplate/css/meanmenu.css?build=25"> 58 <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/Files/Templates/Designs/SSTemplate/lightgallery/css/lightgallery.css"> 59 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/Files/Templates/Designs/SSTemplate/css/tablesaw.css"> 60 <link rel="stylesheet" href="@basecss"> 61 <link rel="stylesheet" href="@stylecss"> 62 <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/Files/Templates/Designs/SSTemplate/css/base-mobil.css"> 63 <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/Files/Templates/Designs/SSTemplate/css/styles-mobil.css"> 64 <script type="text/javascript" src="/Files/Templates/Designs/SSTemplate/Fontur/Javascript-2/"></script> 65 66 @RenderParagraphContent(441) 67 @GetString("Item.CustomCode") 68 <meta name="google-site-verification" content="yk970pDKLw2g6gpmOki6lHB2xFurox3LU0O1L3uExJ0"> 69 <style> 70 #menu{ 71 position:relative;} 72 #searchform-desktop{ 73 position:absolute; 74 left:0px; 75 width:100%; 76 display:none; 77 } 78 79 #searchform-desktop{ 80 z-index:100; 81 82 } 83 #searchform-desktop input{ 84 85 border-radius: 3px; 86 background: #FFF; 87 border:none !important; 88 89 /* shadow */ 90 box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); 91 92 left:0px; 93 width:100%; 94 height:56px; 95 line-height:56px; 96 top:-2px; 97 position:relative; 98 padding:0px 50px 0px 15px; 99 } 100 .lup{ 101 position:absolute; 102 right:12px; 103 top:50%; 104 margin-top:-17px;} 105 .lup:hover{cursor:pointer;} 106 </style> 107 @GetValue("CopyRightNotice") 108 @GetValue("MetaTags") 109 @GetValue("Stylesheets") 110 @GetValue("Javascripts") 111 </head> 112 @{ 113 string bodyclass="sida"+@GetInteger("DwPageID").ToString(); 114 } 115 116 <body class="@breadactive @bodyclass relative"> 117 118 119 120 <script src="" data-cookiefirst-key="80fbdf87-db0c-4a95-a933-cbf276ddc4fb"></script> 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 <div class="megamenitem megaheiluvagur Heilivágur"> 129 <div class="container"> 130 <div class="row"> 131 <div class="col-3"> 132 @RenderPageContent(251) 133 </div> 134 <div class="col-3"> 135 @RenderPageContent(252) 136 </div> 137 <div class="col-3"> 138 @RenderPageContent(253) 139 </div> 140 <div class="col-3"> 141 @RenderPageContent(254) 142 </div> 143 </div> 144 </div> 145 </div> 146 147 <div class="megamenitem megamedisinskutgerd Medicinskútgerð" style="display:none;"> 148 <div class="container"> 149 <div class="row"> 150 <div class="col-3"> 151 @RenderPageContent(677) 152 </div> 153 <div class="col-3"> 154 @RenderPageContent(678) 155 </div> 156 <div class="col-3"> 157 @RenderPageContent(679) 158 </div> 159 <div class="col-3"> 160 @RenderPageContent(680) 161 </div> 162 </div> 163 </div> 164 </div> 165 166 <div class="megamenitem megagodrad Heilsa"> 167 <div class="container"> 168 <div class="row"> 169 <div class="col-3"> 170 @RenderPageContent(259) 171 </div> 172 <div class="col-3"> 173 @RenderPageContent(261) 174 </div> 175 <div class="col-3"> 176 @RenderPageContent(260) 177 </div> 178 <div class="col-3"> 179 @RenderPageContent(263) 180 @RenderPageContent(264) 181 </div> 182 </div> 183 </div> 184 </div> 185 186 <div class="megamenitem megaheilsutaenastur Heilsutænastur"> 187 <div class="container"> 188 <div class="row"> 189 <div class="col-3"> 190 191 </div> 192 <div class="col-3"> 193 194 </div> 195 <div class="col-3"> 196 @RenderPageContent(265) 197 </div> 198 <div class="col-3"> 199 @RenderPageContent(266) 200 </div> 201 </div> 202 </div> 203 </div> 204 205 <div class="megamenitem megaheilsutaenastur Umokkum"> 206 <div class="container"> 207 <div class="row"> 208 <div class="col-3"> 209 @RenderPageContent(255) 210 </div> 211 <div class="col-3"> 212 @RenderPageContent(256) 213 </div> 214 <div class="col-3"> 215 @RenderPageContent(257) 216 </div> 217 <div class="col-3"> 218 @RenderPageContent(258) 219 </div> 220 </div> 221 </div> 222 </div> 223 224 225 226 <div class="mynav d-md-none d-lg-none d-xl-none"> 227 @GetValue("DwNavigation(mobmen)") 228 229 </div><!-- #dl-menu end --> 230 231 232 @GetString("Item.Area.FacebookJaascriptSDK") 233 <div class="toptopmenu container d-none d-sm-none d-md-block"> 234 <div class="row"> 235 236 237 238 <div class="col-2"><a class="toplanglink" href="/default.aspx?id=299">EN</a> / <a class="toplanglink" href="/default.aspx?id=192"> DK</a></div> 239 240 <div class="col-10 textright"> 241 242 @{ 243 bool vorurikurv=false; 244 bool solustadikurv=false; 245 int amountikurv=0; 246 string kurvid="354"; 247 } 248 249 @foreach(LoopItem i in GetLoop("OrderContextCarts")){ 250 <text> 251 @if(@i.GetString("Ecom:OrderContext.ID")=="Solustod"){ 252 <text> 253 @if(@i.GetInteger("Ecom:Order.OrderLines.TotalQuantity")!=0){ 254 amountikurv=@i.GetInteger("Ecom:Order.OrderLines.TotalQuantity"); 255 vorurikurv=true; 256 solustadikurv=true; 257 kurvid="288"; 258 } 259 </text> 260 } 261 </text> 262 } 263 264 @if(@solustadikurv!=true){ 265 <text> 266 @foreach(LoopItem i in GetLoop("OrderContextCarts")){ 267 <text> 268 @if(@i.GetInteger("Ecom:Order.OrderLines.TotalQuantity")!=0){ 269 amountikurv=@i.GetInteger("Ecom:Order.OrderLines.TotalQuantity"); 270 vorurikurv=true; 271 } 272 </text> 273 } 274 </text> 275 276 } 277 278 279 280 @if(@amountikurv!=0){ 281 <a class="minicart" href="/default.aspx?id=@kurvid"> 282 <span class="counter">@amountikurv</span> 283 <span class="icon-cart"></span> 284 <span class="minkurv">Mín kurv</span> 285 </a> 286 } 287 288 @GetValue("DwNavigation(leftnavigation)") 289 290 </div> 291 </div> 292 </div> 293 294 <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md mt-2 mb-2 d-none d-sm-none d-md-block"> 295 <div class="container"> 296 <a class="navbar-brand" href="#"><img class="img-fluid mainlogo" src="@logo"></a> 297 <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarsExample04" aria-controls="navbarsExample04" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation"> 298 <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span> 299 </button> 300 301 <div class="collapse navbar-collapse hide" id="menu"> 302 @GetValue("DwNavigation(topmen1)") 303 <div class="search-trigger"> 304 305 <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> 306 <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M15.5587 5.11321C14.1162 3.67069 12.3695 2.94547 10.336 2.94547C8.30239 2.94547 6.55569 3.67069 5.11318 5.11321C3.67066 6.55572 2.94543 8.30242 2.94543 10.336C2.94543 12.3695 3.67066 14.1162 5.11318 15.5588C6.55569 17.0013 8.30239 17.7265 10.336 17.7265C11.9667 17.7265 13.4426 17.2404 14.7553 16.2715L19.2049 20.7211C19.3876 20.9343 19.6538 21.0546 19.9637 21.0546C20.2634 21.0546 20.5275 20.9473 20.7373 20.7396C20.9473 20.5276 21.0545 20.2634 21.0545 19.9637C21.0545 19.6539 20.9343 19.3877 20.7034 19.1885L16.2714 14.7553C17.2404 13.4426 17.7265 11.9668 17.7265 10.336C17.7265 8.30242 17.0012 6.55572 15.5587 5.11321ZM14.3323 14.3324C13.2275 15.4372 11.9025 15.9853 10.336 15.9853C8.76945 15.9853 7.44443 15.4372 6.33956 14.3324C5.23469 13.2275 4.68663 11.9025 4.68663 10.336C4.68663 8.76948 5.23469 7.44446 6.33956 6.33959C7.44443 5.23472 8.76945 4.68666 10.336 4.68666C11.9025 4.68666 13.2275 5.23472 14.3323 6.33959C15.4372 7.44446 15.9853 8.76948 15.9853 10.336C15.9853 11.9025 15.4372 13.2275 14.3323 14.3324Z" fill="white"></path> 307 </svg> 308 </div> 309 <div id="searchform-desktop" style="display:none;"> 310 <input class="desktopSearchInput" type="text" alt=""> 311 <div class="lup"> 312 <svg xmlns="" width="23" height="23" viewbox="0 0 23 23" fill="none"> 313 <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.9105 4.90014C13.5281 3.51773 11.8541 2.82272 9.9053 2.82272C7.95647 2.82272 6.28255 3.51773 4.90014 4.90014C3.51773 6.28255 2.82272 7.95647 2.82272 9.9053C2.82272 11.8541 3.51773 13.5281 4.90014 14.9105C6.28255 16.2929 7.95647 16.9879 9.9053 16.9879C11.4681 16.9879 12.8825 16.5221 14.1405 15.5935L18.4047 19.8577C18.5798 20.0621 18.8349 20.1773 19.1319 20.1773C19.4191 20.1773 19.6722 20.0745 19.8733 19.8754C20.0745 19.6722 20.1773 19.4191 20.1773 19.1319C20.1773 18.8349 20.0621 18.5798 19.8407 18.389L15.5934 14.1405C16.5221 12.8825 16.9879 11.4681 16.9879 9.9053C16.9879 7.95647 16.2929 6.28255 14.9105 4.90014ZM13.7352 13.7352C12.6763 14.794 11.4065 15.3192 9.9053 15.3192C8.40408 15.3192 7.13426 14.794 6.07543 13.7352C5.0166 12.6763 4.49137 11.4065 4.49137 9.9053C4.49137 8.40408 5.0166 7.13426 6.07543 6.07543C7.13426 5.0166 8.40408 4.49137 9.9053 4.49137C11.4065 4.49137 12.6763 5.0166 13.7352 6.07543C14.794 7.13426 15.3192 8.40408 15.3192 9.9053C15.3192 11.4065 14.794 12.6763 13.7352 13.7352Z" fill="#333333"></path> 314 </svg> 315 </div> 316 </div> 317 318 319 </div> 320 </div> 321 </nav> <!--- NAVIGATION ---> 322 323 324 @if(GetBoolean("Item.ShowBradcrumbs") == true || GetBoolean("Item.ApotekSida")==true) 325 {<text> 326 <div class="container-fluid mb-0 bread bread-parent"> 327 <div class="container"> 328 <div class="row"> 329 <div class="bread col my-2"> 330 @GetValue("DwNavigation(bread)") 331 </div> 332 </div> 333 </div> 334 </div> 335 </text> 336 } 337 <!--- BREADCRUMB ---> 338 339 @using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 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590 // Focus the input field with class "desktopSearchInput" 591 desktopSearchInput.focus(); 592 }); 593 594 // Add a click event listener to the document to hide searchFormDesktop when clicking outside 595 document.addEventListener('click', function(event) { 596 // Check if the click is outside the #searchform-desktop and the .search-trigger 597 if ( === 'block' && !searchFormDesktop.contains( && !searchTrigger.contains( { 598 // Set the display of #searchform-desktop to none (hide it) 599 = 'none'; 600 } 601 }); 602 } 603 }); 604 605 </script> 606 607 608 <script> 609 document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { 610 // Function to handle hover and click events 611 function handleLinkEvents(relValue, pageId) { 612 const $link = $('a[rel="' + relValue + '"]'); 613 const $megamenItems = $('.megamenitem'); 614 615 // Click event handler 616 $link.on('click', function (event) { 617 event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default anchor behavior 618 window.location.href = '/default.aspx?id=' + pageId; 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